
Best body scrub for psoriasis

Best body scrub for psoriasis does exist. And in order to find it, we need to understand the importance of body scrubs. How can they help you with psoriasis and why should you spend money on them? The prime function of a body scrub is to remove dead skin cells through exfoliation, and help with a better blood circulation. Psoriasis patients can attest how important it is to be able to actively remove dead skin cells. In psoriasis, skin cells divide at a very high rate, and thus create patches with scales that are dead. Body scrub also helps with moisturizing the skin by keeping it healthy and hydrated, and also helps in tanning it as well. It allows the skin to shine, look more fresh and rejuvenated. With that out of the way, let’s take a look at some of the best body scrubs you can find, to help with psoriasis.

Body scrubs for psoriasis:

Cetaphil Restoraderm:

This body scrub will help calm your body down by protecting the skin and keeping it hydrated. This allows the scales to remain soft, which is ultimately good for their removal. Cetaphil will keep the skin supple and help reduce inflammation.


Eucerin is not a harsh body scrub. This is important as it will help keep the skin soft and allow the essential skin oils to stay on the body. This allows for a hydrated and healthy outer layer. The patches become soft and scales start to fall off, without irritating the skin.


Cerave is a foaming facial cleanser, great for treating psoriasis outbursts on the face. This particular face wash is monitored by health organizations on consistency and function, and hence is recommended by many doctors.

Neutrogena T/Sal shampoo:

This therapeutic shampoo contains salicylate acid and coal tar which help in reducing redness and inflammation, and keep the scales soft and patches under control. They also prevent psoriasis from spreading to other parts of the body. It helps to gently exfoliate the skin and break up the scales.


It has been well proven that body scrubs do an amazing job at treating psoriasis. It all comes down to the ingredients they hold, and the essential oils along with medication that work together in harmony to help psoriasis. Some of these shampoos have exfoliating ability to remove scales and dead skin cells, while others have anti-inflammatory properties to help with reduction in redness. Some also make the skin soft and supple for the medication to seep through. The body scrubs mentioned above may prove to be the best ones you can ever find. However, it is important to note that not all will work on your skin. Some may also cause allergies which is important to keep in mind. Irritating the skin is the last thing we need for psoriasis. Hence, it is extremely crucial that you pay extra close attention to the ingredients used in all of them, and have a word with your dermatologist on which one to go for. Body scrubs can help psoriasis.

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