
Can you get psoriasis on your feet?

When psoriasis affects your feet

Your feet go through a lot of hard work. They face all the wear and tear, and this can result in blisters. When psoriasis affects your feet, the pain simply does not just end at blisters. That answers the question; can you get psoriasis on your feet? Psoriasis can most definitely affect your feet. And this can get worse considering how you use them every day. Dry patches can get very uncomfortable, especially when you have to endure and deal with the pain that comes from blisters on the soul of your feet. Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that affects the immune system, causing it to attack healthy body cells. It affects around 125 million people worldwide. Palmoplantar Psutulosis is a type of severe psoriasis of the hands and feet. It can happen independently of other forms of psoriasis. Since feet and hands are in constant use, this condition can be hard to treat.

Symptoms and triggers

People with psoriasis of the feet experience numerous tiny pus-filled blisters on the souls of their feet. These blisters are not infectious or contagious, but extremely uncomfortable and irritating. They often open up, which results in a sticky situation with pus. These patches can be very itchy, and scratching can seriously make the condition worse. Some of the triggers that can cause this condition are injury to the skin that may be a cut or an insect bite, emotional stress that causes psoriasis to flare up, changes in weather that causes skin dryness, an illness or infection can also trigger psoriasis of the feet, and last but not the least is use of certain medication. All of these factors contribute towards triggering psoriasis. Another issue may also reside in the genes. Sometime a genetic makeup runs in the entire family that causes this condition to show up. And since there is no cure for it, we can only treat to make it better.

Managing the symptoms:

It has been found out that about 10% of the people are born with genes that result in psoriasis, but it shows up in 2% of the population. There are some home treatment tips that can help with foot psoriasis. These are quitting smoking, limiting alcohol intake because it affects the liver and makes it worse, wearing comfortable shoes and gloves that are made from natural material, avoiding injury as much as possible so as to not irritate the skin, soaking daily in warm water to keep the skin hydrated and alleviate dryness, and use of moisturizers can help keep the blisters soft and itch-free. There are other treatments as well like topical steroids and coal tar.


It has been well-established that psoriasis of the feet does definitely exist, and can be treated. Not all treatments will work for you, but the right ones will. And you can always go on a trial and error trip until you find the right one. Giving up smoking and alcohol will always help you no matter what. Lastly, it is important to consult your doctor before trying anything. Psoriasis of the feet can be dealt with, by taking proper care.

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